Journalistic Code of Ethics

Freedom of opinion, expression, and the press are human rights protected by Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Press freedom is a means for society to obtain information and communicate, fulfilling essential needs and improving the quality of human life. In realizing press freedom, Indonesian journalists also acknowledge the nation's interests, social responsibilities, the diversity of society, and religious norms.
In carrying out its functions, rights, obligations, and roles, the press respects the human rights of every individual. Therefore, the press is required to be professional and open to public oversight.
To ensure press freedom and fulfill the public's right to accurate information, Indonesian journalists need a moral foundation and professional ethics as operational guidelines to maintain public trust and uphold integrity and professionalism. Based on this, Indonesian journalists establish and adhere to the Journalistic Code of Ethics:
Article 1
Indonesian journalists act independently, produce accurate, balanced news, and do not act with malicious intent.
- Independent means reporting events or facts according to one's conscience, without interference, coercion, or intervention from other parties, including media owners.
- Accurate means trustworthy and corresponds with the objective reality at the time of the event.
- Balanced means all parties are given equal opportunities.
- Without malicious intent means there is no deliberate intention solely to cause harm to others.
Article 2
Indonesian journalists conduct their journalistic duties professionally.
- Professional conduct includes:
- Identifying oneself to sources;
- Respecting privacy rights;
- Not engaging in bribery;
- Producing factual news with clear sources;
- Ensuring that images, photos, and sound recordings are authentic and accompanied by source information, and are presented in a balanced manner;
- Respecting the traumatic experiences of sources when presenting images, photos, and sound;
- Avoiding plagiarism, including claiming other journalists' work as one's own;
- Considering specific methods for investigative reporting in the public interest.
Article 3
Indonesian journalists always verify information, report in a balanced manner, avoid mixing facts with judgmental opinions, and apply the presumption of innocence principle.
- Verifying information means conducting checks and rechecks on the accuracy of information.
- Balanced reporting involves providing equal space or time for each party proportionally.
- Judgmental opinions are personal views of journalists, different from interpretative opinions, which are interpretations of facts by journalists.
- Presumption of innocence means refraining from judging someone.
Article 4
Indonesian journalists do not produce or disseminate false, defamatory, gruesome, or obscene news.
- False means something known by the journalist to be untrue.
- Defamatory refers to baseless accusations made deliberately with malicious intent.
- Gruesome means cruel and without compassion.
- Obscene involves depicting behavior erotically through photos, images, sounds, graphics, or writings solely to arouse sexual desire.
- When broadcasting archived images and sounds, journalists must include the time of recording.
Article 5
Indonesian journalists do not disclose or broadcast the identities of victims of sexual crimes or identify minors involved in crimes.
- Identity includes all data and information that makes it easy for others to trace a person.
- Minor refers to someone under the age of 16 who is unmarried.
Article 6
Indonesian journalists do not misuse their profession and do not accept bribes.
- Misusing the profession involves taking personal advantage of information obtained while on duty before it becomes public knowledge.
- Bribe refers to any form of gift in money, goods, or facilities from other parties that could influence independence.
Article 7
Indonesian journalists have the right to protect sources who wish to remain anonymous, respect embargoes, background information, and off-the-record statements according to the agreement.
- Right of refusal is the right not to disclose the identity and whereabouts of a source for the safety of the source and their family.
- Embargo is the postponement of news publication or broadcast according to the source's request.
- Background information includes all information or data from a source that is published without identifying the source.
- Off-the-record is information or data from a source that must not be published or broadcast.
Article 8
Indonesian journalists do not write or broadcast news based on prejudice or discrimination against someone based on ethnicity, race, skin color, religion, gender, or language, and do not demean the dignity of the weak, poor, sick, mentally, or physically disabled.
- Prejudice refers to a negative assumption about something before knowing the facts.
- Discrimination is unequal treatment.
Article 9
Indonesian journalists respect the rights of sources regarding their private lives, except when it serves the public interest.
- Respecting the rights of sources means being restrained and cautious.
- Private life encompasses all aspects of an individual's and their family's life, except those related to public interest.
Article 10
Indonesian journalists promptly retract, correct, and apologize for erroneous and inaccurate news.
- Promptly means taking action as soon as possible, regardless of external complaints.
- Apologies are made when the error concerns the core substance.
Article 11
Indonesian journalists honor the right of reply and the right to correction proportionally.
- Right of reply is the right of an individual or group to respond to or refute news that harms their reputation.
- Right of correction is the right of anyone to correct inaccurate information reported by the press, whether about themselves or others.
- Proportional means equal to the portion of the news that needs correction.
Final judgment on violations of the journalistic code of ethics is made by the Press Council. Sanctions for violations are imposed by journalists' organizations and/or press companies.
Jakarta, Tuesday, March 14, 2006
(The Journalistic Code of Ethics was established by the Press Council through Press Council Regulation No. 6/Peraturan-DP/V/2008 concerning the ratification of the Press Council Decree No. 03/SK-DP/III/2006 on the Journalistic Code of Ethics as a Press Council Regulation.)