Right of Reply and News Correction

This procedure serves as a reference and guideline for handling the Right of Reply, Corrections, or Complaints from readers.
The Right of Reply, Corrections, or Complaints pertain to any content published on the Fokus.co.id website.
The process for handling the Right of Reply, News Corrections, or Complaints is as follows:
Readers can submit their concerns via:
- Email: Send an email to kontakfokus@gmail.com with the subject line: "Right of Reply" or "News Correction."
- Address: Jl. Nabei Ranjeng No.327 Ciruas, Serang
- WhatsApp: +62818212377
Readers must provide clear identification, such as a valid ID card or a contactable phone number, along with verifiable facts supporting the Right of Reply, News Correction, or Complaint.
All submissions related to the Right of Reply, News Correction, or Complaint will be resolved within 2 x 24 hours from the time the report is received.
The timeline mentioned in point 3 does not apply to legal matters, such as legal notices or other similar issues.
Any published Complaint or News Correction will be displayed on Fokus.co.id under the title "News Correction" or "Right of Reply."